Add Your Name to Have a Letter Sent On Your Behalf!

In order to be able to send a letter on your behalf to the federal government and the CRA to put an end to the underground economy that’s harming workers and our trucking sector, we need to update your information with your mailing address.

We will use your address only to be listed as a return address for mail delivered to the federal government.

Why Minister Bibeau’s failure to act is hurting Canadians

By continuing to turn a blind eye to enforcement, Ottawa decision-makers are choosing winners and losers and putting the entire trucking sector at risk while costing Canadians billions in tax revenue.

This is not fair. This is not the country we live in. Rules are not meant to be broken. We need Minister Bibeau to step up and tell the CRA to enforce the law and to stop the tax and labour abuse by bad actors jeopardizing our trucking industry. 

The only way to fight against tax evasion and Driver inc. is the issuance and return of T4As. This brings accountability and fairness back to the system by shining a light on bad actors.