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The federal government is failing Canadians. They’re not enforcing the law and as a result there’s a growing underground economy that’s hurting our trucking sector, harming worker rights, and robbing Canadians of billions that should go to health care, roads, and bridges.
Taking this message directly to the federal government over the phone makes sure they can’t ignore your voice.
Hi, my name is [insert name here] and I live in [insert community/riding here].
May I speak with [local member of parliament or their representative]?
I am calling to ask why the government has delayed enforcing the law when it comes to tax and labour abuse that is hurting our trucking sector?
Too many bad actors are acting outside the rules by acting outside of the rules and not giving the rights workers deserve. It’s hurting our economy and trucking companies following the rules and created an underground economy that’s driving down worker’s rights.
This is done by creating “freelancer” or “independent contractor” drivers who don’t get normal worker rights and breaks tax laws.
Those tax dollars are meant to help our health care system but are instead kept by those who are breaking the rules and hurting workers.
It’s the government’s job to enforce the laws and I’d like for you to say what you are doing to ensure the government gets serious about protecting worker rights and enforcing the law?!