Demand Better. Help Stop Tax and Labour Abuse.
Because the federal government is not enforcing the rules, an underground economy is spinning out of control, harming workers rights and our trucking sector’s ability to compete.
Sign up now and demand better from your MP.
Billions lost annually because of Government inaction - you can help!
Billions lost annually because of Government inaction - you can help!
By continuing to turn a blind eye to enforcement, Ottawa decision-makers are choosing winners and losers and putting the entire trucking sector at risk while costing Canadians billions in tax revenue.
This is not fair. This is not the country we live in. Rules are not meant to be broken. We need Minister Bibeau to step up and tell the CRA to enforce the law and to stop the tax and labour abuse by bad actors jeopardizing our trucking industry.
The only way to fight against tax evasion and Driver inc. is the issuance and return of T4As. This brings accountability and fairness back to the system by shining a light on bad actors.
This is an illegal practice that has created two standards that are harming our trucking industry: those who follow the law and those who don’t.
And it’s all happening under the federal government’s watch and it must be stopped!
Your help can make a difference. We’re asking you to join our campaign today demanding the federal government enforce the law today against bad actors who are hurting our trucking industry by continuously breaking important labour, safety, and environmental laws.
Let’s protect worker rights, support our trucking sector, and restore billions of dollars to Canadians to be spent on the priorities that matter most!
Laws are not being enforced. Worker rights are being harmed. And forced labour is proliferating with the rise of an underground economy as a result.
Billions In Lost Revenue
Canadians are losing out.
With the growth of this underground economy, there’s a significant cost to Canadians in terms of lost tax revenue because carriers who misclassify their employees as a Personal Services Business don’t pay their fair share of payroll taxes by committing tax evasion.
Why does this matter? When you add up all the carriers who force their truckers to work as a Personal Services Business instead of employees – and this number is growing – the lost tax revenue is over a billion dollars each year. Those are tax dollars that should be going to fund essential programs and services that millions of Canadians rely on.
Why the law must be enforced.
Forced Labour
Truckers who are hired as a Personal Services Business are also put at higher risk of forced labour and are not protected under normal workplace health and safety regulations.
Newcomers to Canada are especially at risk as carriers intentionally overpromise and underdeliver. Carriers will often renege on employment promises, pay lower wages and provide no holiday or sick pay, leaving new employees as a Personal Services Business who have little choice but to accept for fear of losing their ability to pursue permanent residency.
All workers should be treated fairly with their rights protected.
Reduced Workplace Safety
Protecting Worker Rights.
There’s a significant difference between being a Personal Services Business or “freelancer” and an employee. As an employee, you are legally entitled to be paid for training, health benefits, unemployment insurance, and other important workplace benefits guaranteed by employment law. By hiring a Personal Services Business, a carrier is removing themselves from these responsibilities and is creating an environment where drivers are left more financially insecure and at risk of out of pocket expenses related to benefits, sick leave, and more.
This also creates an environment where the carrier is not required to take any health and safety precautions or enforce existing provincial and federal regulations. By not taking these precautions, carriers are shirking their responsibility to not only employees but public safety on the roads. If an accident were to take place, it would solely be the Personal Services Business who is liable, not the carrier.
This is hurting worker rights, hurting the trucking industry, and makes all Canadians lose out.
Next Steps
Join the Campaign
Without proper enforcement and regulation of the industry, truck drivers from coast, to coast, to coast, will continue to be taken advantage of by those who won’t follow the law. Canadians will lose out on billions in revenues every year that should be going to hospitals, schools, roads and bridges.
It’s the responsibility of the federal government to enforce the rules of the road that are already in place.
You can help today by joining the campaign.